This month I’ll be joining in the 21 Day

Discipline or Routine
Crystal has taken her entries, from her blog, on discipline and put them in an e-book format. I purchased her book, and I am so glad I did. I printed the pages out and made a binder so I can check off the tasks as I complete them {I so like to check things off my lists…} Crystal suggests you work on a mega project during the 21 days to a more disciplined life.
I have been wanting to get my Household/Finance/Meal Planning binders and crate cleaned and organized to make our household records more accessible. I feel as though I have our important documents, records, bills and financial papers in too many different places, which makes it hard when I need access to one quickly. We are in the process of buying a house (more on that later), and I have needed quick access to files and documents so many times and found myself frustrated because it takes too long to find something.
I have divided the task into 21 day increments as Crystal suggests. I have found in doing this that I needed to break this project into a few separate 21 day projects. So, the book is helping me to see the importance on small daily tasks… I tend to take on more than I can realistically accomplish in a days time.
The areas I have been wanting to focus on are: My morning routine and Morning Devotion Time. I tend to get focused on the computer in the morning and then I am scrambling to stay on top of school and the house.
My morning routine consists of:
Getting my special son ready for school
Having him unload the dish washer
Re-loading the dishwasher
Putting in load of laundry
Fixing my bed
Getting ready for the day (showered, dressed and SHOES ON)
It is amazing the difference putting shoes on makes in my attitude. I am one that loves to wear my slippers – but I am in lounging around, taking it easy mode when I do. Now there is a time and a place for that, but if I want to be productive and be intentional about my day… I need my SHOES ON!!!
The other area I am working on is staying on task with a morning devotion time. (this one I am still working on… more progress on that in the next update…
I will be blogging at least once a week over the next few weeks on my progress…
Hoping this will keep me accountable…

more disciple in my life
weekly plans
His timing
patience and grace while waiting
new recipes
running into friends haven's seen in awhile
reminder of gift a special one is
strength during fighting colds
good school week
wrapping up units
faithful hubby
great daddy
redeeming things
working boys
remembering how you brought us through our lost one
joys and pains of living
really feeling
appreciating the moments
Praying for a more disciplined life…

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