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Monday, December 1, 2014

Advent–Week 1




    For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…

            his name shall be called -                         

                    Wonderful Counselor, 

                           The Mighty God,

                                      The  Everlasting Father,

                                               The Prince of Peace.





Each year as I celebrate Christmas – the Advent Season,  I am struck with the beauty of Isaiah 9:6.

    This prophecy – these words spoken by God to Isaiah for all people, told of this time that we celebrate.

                            This time that we remember the birth of Jesus.

Isaiah's ministry occurred at a critical time in Judah's history. These words  were spoken at a time in history were darkness was overshadowing nations –  darkness not unlike today. Yet in the midst of this darkness Isaiah spoke of a bright future –

  one who would bring good news,

          one who would   heal the broken,

                 one who would set the captives free,

                       one who would bring forth hope in the midst of unrest.

   Week one of the Advent Season, we light the 1st candle –

                       the candle of Hope.

Since the beginning  of time –The Mighty God, by the the mention of  a few mere words -

              through the spoken words, “Let there be light” – brought life and light  into existence.

Creation had been given a promise.  A promise  that there would always be light –

       that there would always be Hope. 

A hope that would be needed in times of darkness -

         darkness in the world,

                  darkness in communities,

                               darkness in  homes,

                                          darkness with in ourselves.  

A promise was spoken out-

“Watch for this: A girl who is presently a virgin will get pregnant. She’ll bear a son and name him Immanuel, God-With-Us.      ~ Isaiah 7:14

A promise spoken to all,

        a promise of Hope  -  and His name would be called…

                 God with Us.  

The mighty God would come and enter all those dark places bringing the much needed light of Hope. 

<b>Isaiah 9:6</b>


       This Advent Season, as we prepare our hearts…  

    may we allow places and spaces for the Mighty God -

                       Immanuel - to fill

                                  to dwell

                                          to rest in us.


Hope is a person - Resting in Him~

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