Living in the moment…
Day 50 – husbands happiness
Day 51 – playing sorry game with sick girls all wrapped up in blankets
Day 52 – worship music throughout the house – healing words heard by little one
Day 53 – sitting on bench with special son praying before school
Day 54 – sitting in my rocking chair again (love that rocker)
Day 55 – double blessings in cars
Day 56 – car with cd player!!!!
How to Live in the MomentHow to Helps
6. Minimize activities that dull your awareness of the moment.
What are you doing that tempts your mind to run away from the present? For most people, watching television puts you in a passive state of mind, and time slips right by. Daydreaming and getting lost in a good movie or book isn't bad, but it's not living in the moment because it places your concentration on something that isn't right here, right now; it's a form of escapism. Don't zone out; zone in. Do things that are active, and that encourage you to look around and engage the world in that moment. Gardening, playing a game, knitting, and playing an instrument are all activities that lend themselves to mindfulness. So get off the computer after reading this article!
- Choose at least one day a week to turn off your cell phone, your computer, your radio, your TV, and whatever other gadgets you use to distract yourself. Spend that day riding your bike to a café, gardening, having a friend over for tea, drawing something you see out the window, or exploring a new area of your town or city.
- Narrow down your absolute favorite shows, write them into your schedule, and only turn on the TV at those times. Like to nod off to late-night television? Try herbal tea instead. Channel-surf when you’re bored? Get a hobby. Watch game-shows during dinner? Cook yourself something special and savor every bite of it.
Enjoy your everyday moments