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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Real Kingdom

Last week we finished the second book in the Tales of the Kingdom Trilogy…

The Tales of the Resistance.   I cannot not say enough about these books, I have been moved to tears… Deep places have been touched.   I so highly recommend this series.                       

No wonder she had fallen in love… hopelessly in love with the King.  the one who was strong but not brutal, who could laugh with joy and weep with freedom, who never leered at beautiful women, who told stories to children and gentled the fears of the old, whom the young men followed because he was the bravest of all, who found beauty in the ugly, and whose very words spoke hope.

His voice was wonderful, filled with the echo of faraway hills and laughing country streams. The man standing in the gallery shadow seemed to be standing in his own light.

~ the people  in the gallery were clothed in warm garments, their runny sores were healed, they were clean and healthy.  This couldn’t be true. She blinked her eyes and stared again and realized she was seeing the people through the flow of the man’s light. 

“Follow me.”  said the man.  “the real kingdom is wherever I walk and whenever anyone walks with me.”                                           Tales of the Resistance

As I ponder this… 

The real kingdom is wherever I walk and whenever anyone walks with me…

              in this place there is…

                            deep, everlasting love

                                          joyful laughter

                                                     freedom to weep at the things that break our hearts

                                                               peace for those everyday concerns and fear

                                                                        beauty and hope

                                                                              warmth and healing  

                                                                                         light for even the darkest places…

                        this kingdom…..  

                                    this real kingdom is with Him

                                                     the real King…     wherever He is…   wherever He walks

and because He is with me…   living in me…

                  this kingdom…

                           His real kingdom is here with me

    not only for me to receive…

              but for me to give away.

What a beautiful concept…         ponder this…      treasure this…        

fall in love with your King…

                   hopelessly in love.

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