Week 3 – Anticipation
Day 19 – Nesting
the tendency to arrange one's immediate surroundings, such as a work station, to create a place where one feels secure, comfortable, or in control.
Being a mom of 8 kiddos, my first thought, when hearing the word nesting is of course that period in ones later pregnancy where you get that surge of energy which prompts you to clean or do various chores to an extreme. In once of my nesting periods I painted 3 rooms in our house. For me I seemed to take on some kind of major project. I find it interesting that the definition states nesting is done to create a place where on feels secure, comfortable or in control. Labor and birth can definitely make one feel out of control.
I know for years I use to take on some major project when I felt out of control. There was something about organizing stuff that made me feel secure, comforted and in control. Instead giving what ever was making me feel out of control to the Lord and resting in Him, I would try to create my own sense of security which gave me a sense of control. So, in a way I was creating my own nesting place.
Jesus made this moving flee in the Passion-week, just as He was leaving
“How often I have longed to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were unwilling.”
Over the years, I have been learning how to be willing to rest in his nesting place, a place that brings true security, a place that brings comfort, a place were control is surrender to the one who is in control.
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord. “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2
I am grateful He is continually teaching me the gift of resting in His nesting place.
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