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Monday, September 3, 2012

Living the Disciplined Life

I have been reading over at Money Saving Mom her series on 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life, and these words jumped out at me.
“whether or not I live a disciplined life is dependent solely upon me and the choices I make on a daily basis. I am the problem, but I am also the solution.”
This past month I have been putting together plans, schedules and charts to start off our new school year. 

One of the things I have been keenly aware of and have been pondering deeply is the fact and reality that all these good plans are wonderful and good, but they will not get accomplished unless I do my part.  If I do not follow through on my end, these well thought out plans are not going to be fully accomplished. 

After reading an article on disciple – in relationship to disciplining our children – over at Be a Fun Mum, it got me thinking about how I relate to the word discipline. I wrote about not being a disciplined person here.
I realized that I see discipline as       …a negative    …a punishment      …drudgery
But when I see discipline through the eyes of Jesus I see…

Self Control – a fruit of living in the spirit

Trust – not in my own strength or ability but in the only Living One who can give me the power to do the things He calls me to do.

Obedience – in the things He calls me to do, not the things I think I should be doing

Journey – that it is a journey, life is a journey – not a sprint that is won in a moment but a marathon that takes time and teamwork.

Love – the kind of love that only comes from Love Himself.  The more excellent way – kind of love. 

end discipline(I wrote about it here) If I am disciplined, full of self  control, trust, obedience and journey but do not have love – I gain nothing. (1 Corinthians 13)

I know that my strengths are in the planning and organizing arena, and my weakness is in the implementing and follow through (for the long haul) area.

So with these things in mind, I decided to take on my own 21 days to a more disciplined life. I will be reading the articles over at Money Saving Mom, journaling what the Lord is showing me, but more importantly implementing and acting on this revelation.

As I venture into this new school year, and ponder and study disciple these next 21 days, I will be looking through the eyes of my Savior, through eyes of love.

I will be keep you posted on what I am not only learning but walking out on this journey of living the disciplined life…

Trusting today~

Things I am thankful for this week:

my Savior
church that loves and embraces
people that relate
love of learning
two birthday girlies
school starting
being ready to start new year
potential changes soon
provision for medical bill
"new" coaches
house full of memories
i-pad - new aid in learning
co-op starting
Mom participation in  co-op
direction in outside classes

Leaning on my Savior~
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