To be purposeful with my time and devotion to the Living Word… Jesus. (his name is the Word of God. – Revelation 19:13)
I have had many years… child raising years … years of many young ones underfoot
During these seasons it was a matter of necessity … for life …
to have my time and devotion be the praying without ceasing kind.
The kind where no matter where I was or what I was doing… I could lift up a prayer or receive a revelation or Rhema word from the Word Himself.
So this desire to get up early… has been spurred on by a deep down need to step out…
…of complacency …of habits needing change …of a rut of idleness
and into…
…action … purposeful living …passionate living
So this desire… this need… collides with this person…
who is not a morning person.
And yet, once again my Savior comes to my rescue…
… through the back door.
Through meeting the needs of my special son…
I now have to get up at 6 a.m. to get him ready for his morning pick up from the yellow school bus that takes him to a special school that gives him time out each day…
the back door to my need to have this time with the very one who rescues me… daily
I have often said, “the Lord seems to come through the back door with me.”
I have often wondered, {WHY}… why he comes through the back door…
I have asked myself… am I not listening? … that you need to come through the back door.
Is the front door not open? Am I not obeying… that you need to gently find another way in?
Sometimes this may actually be the case… have to ponder on that a bit…But than I read this…
He comes around to the back door, like family.
… like family …the back door is always open for familyThis so spoke to me...
So, I invite this back door solution and desire to use it for Him…
Over at Inspired to Action
(I love her prayer lists for your hubby and kiddos)
they are having a share the wealth: morning stories, tis and resource link up.
My morning tip/resource is this:
Over the past years… in my attempts to get up earlier than my children… at least one seems to wonder out… and usually the chatty one…
My solution: I have set up each of my children with their own devotions… but they seem to be done reading/praying before I am…
… I love to journal and record what I am studying and what the Word is revealing to me…
So I made devotional sheets for my girls to go with their personal devotional books. They are tailor made to go with their individual devotion books. These can be adapted to their skill level. These also serve as record keeping for me with homeschooling. Here is snapshot of my little ones sheets:
This helps them not only retain and apply what they are reading, but also gives me more uninterrupted time for those mornings that they wake up early.
Enjoying living in the Word~
I like the devotions you made up for the kids. That's a great idea. My kids never seem to take very long at theirs either. :)
Great idea for the devotions! Thanks for sharing! My kids practice their cursive writing during morning Quiet Time by writing the bible verses from the HMC Love Like Him challenge.
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