“The season of young children is a time to refrain. Refrain from most outside activities, even some church activities. Now is a time to be faithful in discipline…it’s the springtime of mothering. Redeem the time, don’t waste it.”
“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy, went and sold all he had and bought the field.”
When I look at each of my 8 children… I see a piece of the kingdom of Heaven…
…treasures needing to be loved,
nurtured and poured into.…treasures needing to be led by the hand to their savior
...the one who defines them
…. the one who gives them purpose
… the one who loved them enough
… to die for them.
holding nothing back when it comes to my Lord, my family, my children…
and in his JOY, he went and sold all he had to buy the field that held this precious treasure…
I want to give all I have to invest deeply and completely…
To be that “Joyful Mother of Children.”
I know I fall short every day…
I know I can not do this in my own strength…
I need an anchor for my soul…
When we were in the baby stages with complete dependence on us or the tot years and the “terrible two”s – I would watch my older children, my children who were more independent and were an awesome help, who where growing into fun, loving young people, who I could carry on some awesome deep conversations with…
I would think…
we will get through this to the other side.
Sono Harris talked about “increasing the sacrifices we make (as mothers) while reducing the expectation of immediate returns.” She said, “It’s about spending all that you have, and letting go. When we embrace God’s will, everything changes.”
In referring to the kingdom parable described in Matthew 13:44, she said the key word was “bought.”
We must buy the field.
Often we think the field God wants us to buy will be attractive and pleasurable, but it’s often bleak, with trouble, pain, suffering, and loss.
But there is treasure in that field.*
the one who loves our children more than we ever could…
the only dependable anchor for our souls, Jesus Christ
Jesus is that priceless treasure, that equips us to pour into these precious treasures.
I ponder the words of Sono Harris….
and I pray…to pour into these treasures…
… help me to sacrifice of myself…
… Help me to let go … to give up control… to You
…help me to wait patiently on You to see the results
Above all … Help me to rest in you...so I will walk in this Joy of Motherhood.
I treasure the gift of Motherhood... I treasure these awesome, crazy kids...
He settles the barren woman in her home as a joyful mother of children. Praise the LORD. Psalm 113:9
#146 getting to talk to my dad on the phone this week
#147 daily up-dates from my mama
#148 rejoicing that my dad is home from the hospital
#149 knowing your hand is on their lives
#150 Jammin with the Psalms with a bunch of awesome women
#151 praying and praising you with Psalms of Thanksgiving
#152 for putting a new song in my heart this week
#153 for the gift of motherhood
#154 getting to celebrate oldest birthday again, as a family
#155 reflection of your goodness
#156 reminder of your faithfulness
#157 privilege in teaching my angel and golden girl at co-op again... missed their class
#158 menu plan!!!
#159 your grace and patience with me
#160 heating pad for my neck and shoulder
#161 reading others reflections on perspectives
#162 reading son's wonderful insight on perspectives
#163 comedian son's head bob of hello
#164 healing of my neck and shoulder
#165 sweet youth at church who asks me what is on my tree when I see her
#166 steadiness in speech and reading
#167 listening to my children worship
#168 listening to my children play their instruments
#169 an almost cleared off kitchen table
#170 knowing you are not finished with me yet...
* quotes from:
Beautiful post and beautiful list. Aren't children precious - all of them!! I love knowing that He isn't finished with us yet. Love the journey He has us on. Thanks for sharing yours!!
Thank you Amy...
They are so precious... and at every stage of life...
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