Today is this girls birthday -
Today we celebrated having 15 wonderful years with our golden girl.
Her name was handpicked by God – Audriona Rose
She was born on a beautiful September day – one filled with excitement and anticipation…Audri means “noble strength” – and our golden girl has a strength that she has not even seen the capability of.
Ona means “one, sweetness, favor, grace” – She was the favor and grace of the Lord that blessed us with the sweetness of another daughter (don’t get me wrong I love all our 4 boys prior to her- they are a tender gift to this mamas soul, but her sissy Brittaney and I were in need of some girly sweetness and she was an answer to our earnest prayers.)Rose means, well “rose” – and flower or of the flower blossom (when talking about flowers the rose generally means “I love you” and our golden girl was an “I love you” from God to this family.)
and she came into this world gracing us with her sissy’s “twin” looks and her mama’s wacky toes – one a gift of beauty and one a gift of uniqueness.
Today as we celebrate her day of “birth” – we celebrate who she is.
1. This girl has a natural beauty that people have gasped at.
2. This girl has a quick wit sense of humor.
3. This girl can solve a pictionary clue in record time.
4. This girl thinks of details behind the details in planning.
5. This girl is creative and makes her own accessories.
6. This girl has a deep love for family and friends.7. This girl is confidant and strong.
8. This girl is highly competitive.
9. This girl is thoughtful and giving.
10. This girl is the best organizer.
11. This girl loves to bake.
12.This girl plays a mean chess game.
13. This girl always has a project in the works.
14.This girl is diligent and hardworking.
15. This girl is a gift of girly goodness.
Happy Birthday my beautiful, golden girl. You bless this mama every single day with your grace and beauty. You keep me organized and focused. You are my gift of girly goodness.I love you~